Wednesday, May 5, 2010

liquid identity

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Liquid Identity

For my liquid identity project I will be working on my portfolio. I will have my design work from previous classes and other work that I will add to it later on in my life. I would like to some links to show inspirations and other art works that I like, maybe some links to other friends portfolio that has great work as well. Also, some sketches that I do on for class, outside of class, homework; basically sketches that I would like to show, but it is not sketch of like my design work or anything type like that.
I’m choosing to do a portfolio for my liquid identity project is because liquid identity is about you, with that in mind my portfolio will show people about me, my work, a brief introduction about my background and education. It will also be something that I will use in life as well.
My site is going to be unique and different because everyone’s site is unique and different. It is unique because it is about me and each person has different work and materials to share. I would like to have a link where it will compile images of me and images that shows who I am and what I do outside of design work.
My site will address the concept of liquid identity by showing who I am like I said before. I didn’t clear understand what liquid identity is at first. I understand what identity is, but why would it be called liquid identity, so I looked up the definition of liquid which means shining and clear; and flowing freely like water, like my site everything will flow and navigate through easily.
The audience would be people above the age eighteen, but for a specific audience it would be for designers, businesses, and firms who will be looking at my site to view more information about what I do and who I am.
The type of navigation will be image links and word links. Click on the images and it will take you to wherever it is link to. There will be a main page with four other links that will lead into what it is titled.
To judge this website you will have to ask yourself, did the link take you to where you wanted to go? Is it clear on what the site is about? Was it easy to navigate from one page to another? What is the quality of the site? Just general questions on what the purpose of the site is and how well it was put together.



Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010